Order of Service

You can download a PDF of the order of service here: Order of Service

Emily Allkins: A Poem for Alice


Hair once golden, now brown as earth,
Gives breath to the wild,

So precious you are worth,

So peaceable and mild.

Our friendship blossomed at Tesco, no less,
This link from me to you forever will stand,
An indent on me you have impressed,

Like the lines on the palm of my hand.

I’ll miss the way we used to talk,
About games and stranger things,
Your words a portal to your thoughts,
We were always so in sync.

So let this not be the last of us,
I’ll see you again,

We will have much to discuss,
Dear Alice, my friend.

You can download a PDF of the poem here: Emily-Allkins-a-poem-for-Alice.pdf



Stephen Johnson: About Alice

Thank you all for being here.

In her last days Alice said to us that she did not want to be forgotten which was a bit silly really as it would be impossible to do so. Alice is of course special to Jennie and I but what is extraordinary is the fact that she became special to so many other people. If you look at the messages we have received there are certain words that crop up often to describe Alice: stoic and inspirational are repeated phrases.

With the cards she was dealt in life she had every reason to be bitter but instead she was sweet, that is what I think people recognise.

Everyone here helped Alice through her life and I believe in return she helped us all too.

In September 2001 the world changed for us when Alice became very poorly and was taken into the Norfolk and Norwich where she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, We did not know if she would survive.

We are eternally grateful to the whole of the NHS and particularly the doctors and nurses who cared for Alice starting at Great Ormond street and the neurosurgeon  Dr Andar who operated for 12 hours and who saved Alices life.

We knew however this was just the start, Chemo was to follow. Our world was shaken. We were in shock. We looked into the pit of despair but decided not to descend into it. Early on we made a conscious choice not to become self-pitying, we stepped away from fear. We made Alice the focus of our efforts. As Jennie later said to the question “Why us” her answer was “why not us”. We knew from spending time in hospital with Alice that our situation was not unique, and we soon became aware of how fortunate we actually were.

Living in a children’s cancer ward opens your eyes. Alice progressed well through a rollercoaster of ups and downs but there were children there that were not so fortunate, meeting children one month and finding they had become paralysed, or died the next was shocking. We felt that we were truly fortunate, and we were.

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Kirsty Alice Long: A Tribute to Alice

Alice, Mum and dad asked if I could share a bit of our humour SO

Your tactical approach to playing Frustration Was for want of a better word ‘frustrating’ You didn’t care so much about the winning as much as the pleasure you got from terrorising mum and I

The backwards rule you made up, definitely made for a more exciting game. You ruled the board, landing on us one at time, sending us home, always with a great big grin on your face

And how many times were you told “it’s Kirsty’s turn” as you popped the dice before I got a chance to. And oh my goodness did you tell mum off if she got distracted. And how you made me swear! I’ll miss the look of delight on your face and roar of laughter when Tiger-Lily made me jump.…. that damn cat!

The look of disgust when I ate your Ferrero Rocher.
The eye rolling when mum and I sang, Why? when we clearly have such talent And your often questionable advice when I had a problem.

Alice there are many more stories to share, and share we will.
Laughing when we can and crying if we need too.
Keeping your memory alive forever.

You can download a PDF of this here: Kirsty Alice Long

As a young child Alice loved painting, drawing and making. When she was in hospital for treatments as a child she continued to do this in the ward playroom or the ward bed, there was no stopping her!
She experimented with many techniques and as she grew her work became finer. I hope to bring all Alice’s creations to the site. Alice gave many of her works away to family, friends and others. If you have an example of Alice’s work please consider sending us a picture of it so that we can show it here: stephen@sheringham.org.

Pencil drawing on card. When asked Alice called it “Landscape”


When the new Tesco was built in Sheringham Alice was very excited and imagined herself working in there one day. At school she managed to get some work experience there. The people at Tesco liked Alice so much they invited her to work there after she finished school.

Tesco managers have been incredibly kind and understanding of her medical needs and they were happy to keep Alice’s job open for her whilst she was on treatment. Her job was still available over a year after having treatment. It taught me that a company is no more then the sum of its people. The people at Tesco Sheringham are outstanding.

Alice on work placement from Sheringham High School to Tesco. July 2014
When Alice started work at Tesco she was very happy. She worked part time but was in no rush to change her clothes when she came back home. March 2017.
Alice loved working in the Bakery at Tesco. Her close friend Emily worked there also and there was plenty to talk about. December 2019.


Alice was a people person. She did not hang about with her mother and father when there were far more interesting children and adults to talk to. She would simply go up and say hello.

We did think this was due to her being comfortable around doctors and nurses but these images from 2001 was taken before she got ill and shows her being completely relaxed with other people.

We were of course protective of her but on the beach she just wondered off to play with other children. On this occasion we were at the seating area just back from the beach and I thought I would make a record of how she did it. We have no idea who these people are but they did not mind.

Alice (left) talks to a visitor. Summer 2001.
Meeting new people and making friends. Summer 2001.

Sharp knives!

Looking through the years of images brings memories of how different Alice was from other kids. She loved food preparation and she was so keen to cut carrots and other vegetables that we allowed her to use sharp knives. I have no memory of her ever cutting herself, she handled the task carefully and with enjoyment. These pictures are from 2001 when Alice was 3 years old.