2019 2019 01-17012019-P1010808 02-17012019-P1010840 03-27012019-2019-01-27-11.44.50 04-26022019-2019-02-26-09.41.51 05-16042019-P1020188 06-16042019-P1020204 07-18042019-2019-04-18-21.28.09 08-14052019-P1020366-2 09-10062019-P1030021 Visit to Olly days house and garden tiny frog Visit to Olly days house and garden me and tiny frog Visit to Olly days house and garden me holding newt 13-02082019-P1050877 14-02092019-P1050241 15-24112019-P1060441 Alice loved working in the Bakery at Tesco. Her close friend Emily worked there also and there was plenty to talk about. December 2019. 17-25112019-P1080654 18-08122019-P1080663 20-19072022-VNLP2051