Short snippets of 29/05/2022

Yesterday I was about to format an SD memory card and thought to look if there was anything on it first.

On it I found some short clips I had taken on 29/05/2022 with Alice having her breakfast and a few shots later in the day when we had gone up to Sheringham Park to see the rhododendrons in flower.

We were all aware that Alice’s tumour was regrowing but there was still some hope that it could be controlled with chemotherapy. We did not realise that within 6 weeks she would no longer be alive.

Alice did enjoy watching Youtube videos whilst she had breakfast. There is no sound here as she wore earbuds or her blu tooth hearing aids to better hear the sound from the iPad. Alice had grown used to me filming her and just ignored me. Later we went ot Sheringham park, Alice on her scooter and me on my bike. She loved the scooter, it always attracted attention and in the last shot you can see a lady smile at Alice as she passes.

Alice has always expressed an interest in small electric vehicles. Up till 2021 she had not needed any mobility support, up to 2019 she was able to walk for miles. She had lost confidence on her bike but walking was fine.

I miss my outings with Alice, I do remember this one was not quite as good as the previous ones, she was subdued, perhaps thoughtful of her uncertain future. I would like to think though for a few moments she enjoyed the flowers and being there.